Following the tragic and sad death of Merlin. We recently acquired a beautiful sister of his. At this current moment in time she is 11 weeks old and has already been to numerous events, to survey the scenes. She has quite amazed us how quick she has settled in. We...

GROMMET, TOM & JERRY – Latest Additions

Over the past few weeks, the team have had some brand new additions to the Hawkeye Falconry UK Display Team. Firstly the oldest addition is Grommet our 8 week old Indian Eagle Owl, who as you can see below is becoming very adventurous around the garden! [twocol_one]...

Welcome to our New Website!

A few changes have been happening at Hawkeye.  With the growing popularity of our displays and services, we have now decided to rename the business to Hawkeye UK.  We hope you enjoy looking at our new website.