Clover Becomes A Star

Clover our 10 week old Ural Owl is becoming a huge part of our team. She is brilliantly flying on experiences at our experience venue at Thoresby Park in Nottinghamshire, as well as on the road at schools and events. She is sure to be a star! Clover at 10 Weeks Old...
Dunster and Royal Lancashire Show

Dunster and Royal Lancashire Show

After a brilliant show at Dunster Country Fair, We had a fabulous weekend at the Royal Lancashire Agricultural Show! 6 flying displays over the course of the show, featuring every bird brought a long. Safe to say that Gorgeous Grace our Gyr Falcon stole of show on...
Thoresby Park Displays

Thoresby Park Displays

Just to announce that each weekend during August one of our teams will be at Thoresby Park, Nottinghamshire. There will be flying displays each day and we are throroughtly looking forward to starting. We are available for other events, so please get in contact with...